
"They're All Good Teams"

March 31 marks the end of my first year in sports-fan purgatory. 3/31/07 was the date the Ulle family decided to disable the cable and dust off the rabbit ears. That's right, I've lasted one year on six (6) network stations. It hasn't been easy, but I am living proof that you can still follow sports without ten (or more) 24-hour sports stations. Thank God for the Internet!

One of the ways I stay connected with sports is on-line radio streaming. While at "work" I can tap in to just about any major market's sports talk radio stations and see what's going on. Consider it my own private "Around the Horn"...only without Woody Paige's incoherent ramblings and bad dentures.

The most common exchange I've heard this week between NCAA men's basketball coaches and an interviewer goes something like this:

Interviewer - Coach, who do you think is the best team in the Sweet 16?

Coach - Well, you know, they're all good at this point. If you make it this far, you've got just as good of a chance as any.

To which I say, "MULARKEY!!!"

Here is the margin of victory from the eight Sweet 16 games...

Texas d. Stanford - 20
Davidson d. Wisconsin - 17
Kansas d. Villanova - 15
North Carolina d. Washington St. - 21
Louisville d. Tennessee - 19
Xavier d. West Virginia - 4
UCLA d. Western Kentucky - 10
Memphis d. Michigan St. - 18

Seven of eight games were blowouts. Clearly not all of the teams in the Sweet 16 were good...half of them were absolutely AWFUL! Hopefully the Saturday / Sunday games are better. Oh wait...nevermind...I have to miss all 4 weekend games.

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