
Opening Day?

I'm told the 2008 Major League Baseball season opened today in Tokyo, Japan. I think this is dumb. The rest of the league, who are still playing exhibition games, doesn't start playing real games for another 10 days. Dumb. Our national pastime was played while most of the US was sleeping (opening pitch at 5:00 AM CST). Really dumb. What ever happened to Opening Day starting on a Saturday / Sunday afternoon so the whole country can tune in?

I have no problem with MLB regular season games being played in other countries. But the first game of the season? Dumb.

Since the other half of the not-so-great-debate seems to be on indefinite leave, I'll open it up to you, our vast reading audience. What do you think of MLB starting the season in Japan?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

May this is one of the 4 months that you and P sus aren't friends, and he just hasn't told you yet. Feel free to go dramatically walk in the rain.

I hate baseball i think it is dumb. And I think all games should be played in Japan so none of us have to suffer the boredom, additional traffic, yelling and overall stupidity of it.

Go college basketball!